Past Team/Player
State and National Recognition
-2018-19 All Freshman America East Conference
Miles Latimer (Stony Brook)
-2018-19 All Conference Honors
Greg Spurlock
Hunter Auch
-2017-18 8th Grade 3rd NTBA Nationals (CDP)
-2016-17 All Conference Honors
Miles Latimer
James Larsen
Cameron Timmons
Hunter Auch
Dylan Saale
-2016 6th Grade Elite 8 USBA Nationals
-2016 7th Grade Elite 8 NTBL Nationals
-2015 6th Grade #6 in USBA Power Rankings
-2015 7th Grade #11 in Big Shots National Rankings
-2015 AAU State Runner Up 6th Grade
-2014 AYBA 8th Grade National Champions!
-2014 AYBA "All National" Team
James Larsen PG
Ayush Mayur F
-2014 AYBA National MVP
Miles Latimer 8th Grade
-2014 AYBA State Champs - 5th, 6th, and 8th grades
-2014 AAU State Champs 5th and 6th Grades
-2013 AAU State Champs 4th Grade
-2013 AYBA "All National" Team
Elias Garcia 7th Grade
Flexx and CDP Players and Alumni In the News
Fall 2018
Miles Latimer Named to America East All Freshman Team
Miles Latimer Named Rookie of the Week
Flexx Alumni Varsity Players 2018-19
Seniors: Brian Barrett, Hadi Kahn, Trevor Jackson (Riverside), Hunter Auch, Nick Conway (Briar Woods)
Juniors: Max Mancuso, Jayden Hickey (Dominion)
Sophomores: Sam Larsen, Greg Spurlock, Evan Fitch (Rock Ridge), Cole Devido (Stone Bridge), Cooper Gillie (Briar Woods), Jake Mancuso, Justin Mann (Dominion), Michael Tehan (Community Christian)
Freshman: Sonny Mannino, Andre Patterson (Tuscarora)
Fall 2017
Miles Latimer Signs with Stony Brook
Flexx Alumni Varsity Players 2017-18:
Seniors: Miles Latimer (Paul VI), Andrew Arbore (JCHS), Joey Miles (SBHS), James Larsen (RRHS), Corey Brown (RRHS), Keshav Bahkta (RRHS),
Juniors: Brian Bennet (RHS), Trenton Hess (RHS), Trevor Jackson, RHS), Hunter Auch (BWHS), Cameron Timmons
Sophomores: Tyler Warden (SBHS), Max Mancuso (DHS), Trey Hayes (DHS), (BWHS), Hunter Auch, Sophomore (BWHS), Jalen Thomas, Senior (BWHS)
Freshman: Sam Larsen (RRHS)
Spring 2017

Flexx Alum Miles Latimer currently has 8 offers including: Stony Brook, UMBC, Howard, Boston University, Lafayette, and Bucknell. Go Flexx and Go Miles!!! Miles played for Coach James Larsen, Darrell Durst, and Brian Latimer.
Winter 2016-17
Flexx Alumni All-Conference Honors: Blake Blalock, SR (RRHS), Hunter Auch, SO (BWHS), James Larsen, JR (RRHS), Cameron Timmons, JR (RRHS), Dylan Saale, FR (HHS), Miles Latimer, JR (Paul VI)
Flexx Alumni Varsity Players: Miles Latimer, Junior (Paul VI), Ayush Mayur, Junior (Middleburg), Andrew Arbore, Junior (JCHS), Joey Miles, Junior (SBHS), Tyler Warden, Freshman (SBHS), Dylan Saale, Freshman (HHS), Max Mancuso, Freshman (DHS), Trey Hayes, Freshman (DHS), James Larsen, Junior (RRHS), Corey Brown, Junior (RRHS), Rob Byas-Smith, Senior (RRHS), Blake Blalock, Junior (RRHS), Keshav Bahtka, Junior (RRHS), Chico Bennett, Sophomore (RRHS), Brian Barrett, Sophomore (RHS), Trenton Hess, Sophomore (RHS), Trevor Jackson, Sophomore (RHS), Cameron Timmons, Junior (BWHS), Hunter Auch, Sophomore (BWHS), Jalen Thomas, Senior (BWHS)
Fall 2016
8th Graders Michael Tehan and Cole Devido named to Loudoun's Winter PYBL Elite team
8th Graders Sam Larsen, Michael Tehan, Cole Devido, Cooper Gillie, and Alex Tiokeng selected for Loudoun's College Development Program (CDP)
Spring 2016
Michael Tehan, Cole Devido, and Sam Larsen named to Loudoun's PYBL Elite team
Ayush Mayur named All-Conference for 2nd straight year as a Sophomore
Fall/Winter 2015
8th Grader Max Mancuso names to JV team at Dominion HS
Sam Larsen highlighted by PYBL for 16 Point 10 Rebound Performance
Jake Mancuso named to Loudoun PYBL Rising Stars team
Flexx player Max Mancuso named to Arlington PYBL Elite team
Miles Latimer Named to Varsity at Paul VI HS
James Larsen and Ayush Mayur start their Sophomore campaigns at Rock Ridge HS as the starting PG and 2G
Flexx's Sam Larsen named Top 5- 7th Grade prospect in Potomac Valley District Click Here
All Flexx Players in 6th and 7th Grade made their respective county teams.
Summer 2015
Flexx Premier's Sam Larsen named as top DMV 6th Grader
Spring 2015
4 Flexx Players Earn Spots on DC Showcase Teams
Miles Latimer - Team Takeover (Nike)
Elias Garcia - The District
James Larsen - LBA Showcase (Under Armour)
Ayush Mayur - The District
Winter 2015
Flexx Player Ayush Mayer named 2nd Team All Conference as a Freshman
Congratulations to all the 9th Grade players that made their respective HS teams
Ayush Mayur - Rock Ridge HS Varsity
James Larsen - Rock Ridge HS Varsity
Nathan Durst - Rock Ridge HS JV
Elias Garcia - Gonzaga HS JV
Miles Latimer - Paul VI HS JV/Varsity
Andrew Arbore - Champe HS Freshman
Trevor Cosenke - Champe HS Freshan/Varsity
Joey Miles - Stonebridge HS Freshman
Romeil Ryant - Broadrun HS Freshman
Kevin Mihich - Rock Ridge HS Freshman
Keshav Bahkta - Rock Ridge HS Freshman