Loudoun Flexx and Rock Ridge HS Fall League
Information and Registration
Dates: September thru October, 2014
Games: Sundays, 6 Regular Season Games + Playoffs for Top 8 Teams
Location: Stone Hill MS and Rock Ridge HS
Ages: 4th Grade to 8th Grade (as of Fall 2014) and High School JV Division
Team Fee: $600 ($575 for multiple teams). Applicable County Player Fees are included.
HS Federation Rules apply for game play, ball size, and age rules.
Age eligibilty as of September 1, 2014.
15 players max for 1 roster
Registration Deadline: August 22, 2014
**Please either pay online below or on the Events tab or mail a check made out to Loudoun Flexx Basketball for the full amount to the address below. Please email jameselarsen@gmail.com if you need an invoice. There is a small $15 PayPal fee added if you choose to pay online.
Checks payable to Loudoun Flexx Basketball. Mail checks to:
22118 Quail Pond Place
Ashburn, VA 20148
Please Register Below
Registration is not complete until payment has been received.